
CWAC/POS SACWIS Advisory Committee
April 4, 1999 Meeting Minutes

Members in Attendance
Ken Dee, CHASI
Sam Traylor, DCFS SACWIS
Kevin Singletary, CSS � Peoria
Steve Bradshaw, DCFS/POS Liaison
Priscilla Parker, LCFS
Dennis Egolf, SACWIS
Jim Erickson, New Life Social Services
Foster Centola, DCFS
Sue Grady, Youth Svc. Bureau, IL Valley
Don Vacca, DCFS
George Thibeault, Catholic Charities
Rommel Sangalang, CCA
Darlene Sweeney, Allendale
Jan Schoening, CCA
Deverrick Crawford, Lakeside Comm. Cmt
Lory Sandberg, LSSI
Greg Kurth, Central Baptist

Members Absent
Richard Calica, Juvenile Protection Assoc.
Frances Barnes, VOA
Bishop Aaron Holmes, Reaching the Mark
Steven Minter, DCFS
Carol Winn, Ada S. McKinley
Zack Schrantz, Uhlich
Valerie Riley, Center for Hew Horizons
Rebecca Cook, IARF

Jan Schoening convened the meeting at approximately 10:55 a.m.

Minutes of March 7, 2000 meeting were approved as amended after discussion to clarify the caseload ratios used in determining staffing ratios for SACWIS PC's. Contractual Barcs/Bats were used in Cook County and actual caseload data used in the balance-of-state.

As part of the discussion on the minutes, George Thibeault noted that the Department chose to implement office automation hardware/software for its entire staff, even those who might be non-SACWIS. The private agencies want the same level of funding for their non-SACWIS users.

Update on SACWIS Project
bulletApplication Development and Implementation RFP � On March 16th, ACF gave conditional approval for the AMS contract; this approval included 3 pages of technical assistance and issues needing additional information. The Department is anticipating a mid-April contract execution. Sam Traylor noted that the first month of the contract is dedicated to planning.
bulletQA RFP � A recommendation has been made to CMS for the QA vendor. Sam hopes to have an award made this week or next. It is expected to take 1-2 weeks to finalize the contract with the vendor starting in May or June.
bulletWeb site and Templates � Sam reported the Department's Intranet site is ready but is waiting on final approval from the DCFS external communication office. This should occur in the next couple of weeks.
bulletBest Practices Initiative - Don Vacca reported that work continues on the investigation documents part of Best Practices. The Expert Panel is scheduled to meet this Friday, April 7th, to review the investigation document. It is expected that the investigative part of Best Practices will be completed by the end of April.

Jan reported that she had talked with Richard Calica (chair of Expert Panel) regarding Best Practices and SACWIS POS staffing. Richard thought his information was different than that presented to the SACWIS Advisory Committee; he thought the Best Practices documents had not yet been developed and this was the work to be done by the POS staff (along with DCFS staff). Don noted that Richard Calica does not have the documents that were distributed to the SACWIS Advisory Committee at last month's meeting.

Don informed the committee that he had made a presentation on the POS staffing issue to the CCA board. DCFS full-time staff are expected to join the SACWIS project between mid-April and mid-May.

Don re-stated the role of Richard Calica and the Expert Panel. Mr. Calica and Director McDonald determined who would be on the panel for the review of the investigation piece of Best Practices. The Director wants the panel to bring in experts and do research as necessary to review the Best Practices drafts, point out glaring errors or omissions and identify other areas which may need revisions. Don noted that the current documents are subject to change as child welfare work changes over the next 2-3 years.

The Expert Panel is an external group to Best Practices. The internal group will be finishing the drafts and giving them to the Expert Panel for review. There is not much opportunity for POS input to the investigation document. Don acknowledged there was no POS involvement in the Best Practices draft documents distributed at last month's SACWIS Advisory Committee meeting.

Sue Grady asked how we could get the POS involved now, considering the time constraints of Best Practices/SACWIS are still there? Don noted than one issue in the POS involvement is similar to a DCFS issue: How to get POS staff involved but still retain the private agency perspective. This is similar to recruiting expert DCFS field staff: How to get expert field staff involved but retain that expertise when the person is no longer working in the field. Don did note that the POS staff involved in Best Practices and those involved in SACWIS would be the same people.

George asked how the Catholic Charities staff could be involved in the review process of the investigative piece of best practices? Don stated the use of subject matter experts (SME's) will allow/require the involvement of many more staff than just the full-time people. SME's will probably work on the specific projects for 4-6 weeks.

In response to a question from Sue, Don noted that there is no set ratio of POS:DCFS staff on the project. Don hopes to have DCFS staffing finalized by the next SACWIS Advisory Committee meeting.

bulletStaffing � Additional Discussion
bulletTechnical Support Position � see below.
bulletRelationship of POS positions with liaison and with SACWIS Advisory Committee � Sam noted that there will be one POS member on each functional team, but there has been no talk of the relationship of these private agency representatives and the Private Agency Liaison. It was noted that it is very important to keep the SACWIS Advisory Committee members informed of issues and progress at the functional design level.

SACWIS Advisory Committee members will develop a list of concerns to present to the Department in the area of private agency representation, relationships, and communications. Some of these include the need to communicate to the private agencies within the constraints of the Department's External Communication review process, and the need to have focused staff on the project. Also, the concern about whether a specific staff member would even know the concerns or implications of a decision on differing agencies. There is a concern over the value of the limited number of POS representatives and their input to the project. In addition to a list of concerns, committee members were asked for recommendations on a communication process.

There was further discussion on the technical support position, does it still exist and is there a continuing need to have the position? Committee members thought the person would deal with technical issues and help the liaison with POS technical questions. He/she could answer technical assistance questions and help agencies assess their needs as well as be a valuable resource in the impact analysis process. Sam pointed out the QA vendor will also provide technical assistance to the private agencies. Even though the position was rolled into the proposed POS positions it is still possible to have the position filled, according to Sam. Jan will look at the job posting and get back to Sam with a recommendation.

bulletBudget Questions � Dennis Egolf distributed a handout on the SACWIS budget showing expenditure and spending from FY96 through FY01 (the project management and sub-totals section are not included for FY00 and FY01 due to continuing contract negotiations; these will be included in a future document). Dennis pointed out that $8.8 million is included for private agency equipment, however, only $6.2 million is shown on the SFY01 budget line since installation and some training will fall in a different year. The $8.8 million is based on three assumptions: 1) existing caseload data, 2) equipment/networking configurations the same as the DCFS offices, and, 3) hardware/software costs from the most recent DCFS rollout.

Dennis noted that the FY02 and FY03 budgeted costs would be approximately the same with a reduction in FY04; operations from then one should be about $33 million/year. The large-item breakout of ongoing operations is ISD-$12 million, Getronics-$5-6 million, data lines-$7-8 million, ongoing training-$1.2 million. Operations is part of the indirect cost plan funded at 16% FFP; no FFP can be claimed after post-implementation of the SACWIS application.

Enterprise equipment replacement is part of the operations cost, but is actually four fiscal years away; this is not a "SACWIS" cost but is an operations cost. The $33 million includes equipment replacement; equipment replacement is considered part of the operations plan. It is noted that SACWIS has not had general appropriation dollars. Federal funding (FFP) has to be collected with the hopes that the legislature will appropriate the funds back to the project.

Sue asked about budget money for the POS agencies. Dennis responded as follows:
bullet$6.2 million for equipment, including initial office automation training
bulletPOS staff are in the project management line
bulletData lines are included in operations
bulletOn-going training
bulletSACWIS application training
bulletApplication development costs
bulletThe $8.8 million is that number from the current bureau of the budget proposal for private agency equipment
There was considerable discussion about cost allocation, FFP, and comparison of DCFS and POS funding. Only 25-50 DCFS staff were considered non-SACWIS; this is about 2% that had to be cost allocated. The regular FFP rate is about 49% as a result. George asked that the POS agencies get equipment similar to the Department, especially in the chain of supervision over the SACWIS users. Once SACWIS is implemented, the FFP stops, but the State will continue to receive IV-E match. Jan asked why, if the POS agencies provide 80% of the out-of-home services, they are not receiving an equal amount of the SACWIS budget money? Dennis noted the following have SACWIS equipment: IV-B, intact family, child protection, central registry, ACR, office the guardian (35 staff), inspector general's office and staff, support services, and licensing staff.

Greg asked about ISD and its current dedication to SACWIS. Sam responded that currently 50% of ISD is support for SACWIS equipment/infrastructure. Staff will transfer to the SACWIS application, and technical support will eventually go to SACWIS, also. Production control (reports and printing) will also eventually transfer to SACWIS.

The POS support is part of the vendor requirements; the $8.8 million (for POS equipment) includes support at the same level that support is now provided for DCFS staff. Most support is provided by the Consolidated Support Desk (CSD) but DCFS also has ten MSS staff in the regions to help users.

The SACWIS Advisory Committee members requested more enhanced funding than is currently being proposed. Jan noted that SACWIS is a major project; as things are developed and implemented at the Department the same consideration needs to be given to the private agencies. A very complex project with so little money (for POS agencies) does not make for a successful SACWIS implementation. Success at the private agency level is crucial to the overall success of the State's SACWIS.

Financing POS Equipment, Software, and Other Costs - Sam distributed a handout on the options being considered. One option is the dual-desktop, the other is an integrated desktop. There are variations on these themes but these are the two primary options to be considered. A work group was proposed to meet on Thursday, April 13th in Springfield to discuss the options, and, to discuss options for obtaining necessary POS information for developing an RFP for equipment procurement.

The SACWIS is projected to be web-based as much as possible, but may require some thin-client components as well. The Governor's office of technology would like all statewide applications to be web-based to better serve the citizens of Illinois. The goal of the SACWIS design is to be as web-based as possible. It is acknowledged that a dual application, both web and thin-client, may be a problem.

The goal is to have the RFP prepared and ready for federal/CMS review by July 1st. Members will be: Kevin Singletary, Sue Grady, Ken Dee (can't attend on 4/13), Rommel Sangalang, Jan Schoening, and representatives from LSSI, Catholic Charities of Chicago, and Central Baptist. Jan will schedule a conference call with the steering committee after the first meeting.

Sam distributed a handout on the federal issues which was recently presented to Congressman Hastert's office, and the human resources office of the Ways and Means Committee in Washington, D.C. Patton Boggs is a lobbyist firm working with the Department in this area. This lobbying effort is focused on IV-E training monies for the private agencies and SACWIS integration efforts. A follow-up meeting with Washington staff is being pursued.

Report on "Call-Around" Survey - Steve Bradshaw distributed a handout on the results of the survey to date. It was noted by George Thibeault that standardization amongst the private agencies, or rather the lack thereof, may negatively impact the desktop integration issue. Steve will continue the survey only to the 50% response level unless some unusual results emerge.

Impact Survey � further discussion � The current draft of the Impact Analysis survey was distributed with Steve giving an explanation of the changes made. The committee decided this instrument is ready for use. There is a question of timeliness, especially when compared with the site survey information which must be gathered. Steve will prepare a cover letter and plans will be finalized on the distribution of the survey at a later meeting.

Communication Plan � further discussion � The communication plan was approved as presented but it is acknowledged that this is considered to be a "work in progress" and is subject to change as the SACWIS project progresses and the needs change.

Next Meeting � Scheduled for May 2 in Springfield.

Adjournment � The meeting adjourned at approximately 2:10 p.m.[foot.htm]